Constantly reading is what makes a person on top of his game. Read as
many trade magazines from your field as you can. Read up on business
management, learn all you can. Read up on the future of the economy and on
changing social trends. Successful people like to read. There are more books
than you can possibly read in your lifetime, so you will have to decide which
books will make the biggest difference in you. Usually these are the books that
will help you become a true expert in your field of your passion or challenge
the limiting beliefs you have about yourself.
As you read more and more and you become a master in your field you
begin to get a six sense. A feel, a gut feeling. It is not something that you
can explain. But you just know certain things will work just because you know
it. Successful people learn to trust her gut. They just know that it is
If you are to develop a six sense, a gut feeling for your field and you
are yo trust it then you have yo have a strong sense of confidence. Confidence
is what helps really successful people take action. Confidence builds over
time. As you have more successes then you gain more confidence. Confidence is
what helps you overcome your failures by remembering your past successes.
When things are bad, it is your confidence in yourself that tells you that
things will get better. Success is the combination of confidence with
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