There are many exercises one can do to keep a positive frame of mind. One of those exercises is called the power of the word “YES”. When you do a staff meeting, you want to ask a group of questions during that meeting where the answer that the staff will give is “YES”. The same is with your clients, when talking to clients, you want to present situations, where they will use the word “YES” several times. The belief is when a person starts saying the word “YES” they are more apt to keep using it. It also sets their frame of mind in a positive light.
One of the elements which has undoubtedly worked to support our growth, expansion and excellence projects in the last years, has been technology applied to business communication. I still remember when everything was reduced to memos, billboards, advertisements, photos and one or another printed publication in order to communicate inside the company; at the same time absolutely massive Advertising in existing media was in charge to go to the great public which included our customers and prospects. Today we can say that with the advance of humankind, communication needed is also appearing. And our times make use of digital communication to improve business processes with more efficient and functional ways which allow more interaction, and overall, business productivity. Technology in communication expressed in the use of Internet, and with it, the Web, social networks, e-mails, multimedia resources (videos, infographics, memes, podcast, live broadcast, etc.); joine...
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