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Mauro Libi: Practical benefits of sophrology


  We continue to talk about sophrology, a scientific discipline that can help man to find happiness through a series of tools that puts at his disposal. On this occasion, we will refer to its practical benefits. The exercises and practices help the development and strengthening of the personality, increasing the qualities of this and to which we referred in previous delivery: safety and trust, harmony of mind with body that manifests externally as flexibility and elegance in the healthy body, and the capacity for illusion for a project.

     When the human being manages to strengthen and stabilize harmony between these three qualities, emotional balance is achieved and other abilities of the mind are automatically restored, such as curiosity, observation, concentration, meditation, intuition, decision, reflection, memory and imagination, the latter that envelops everything. While the man is emotionally misfit, he is very ill in concentration, in memory and in all those other capacities. 

     Emotional unbalanced people can’t imagine anything much less concentrate, such is the case of students who can’t attend and understand what the teacher explains in class, or the worker who fails to focus and concentrate on their activities and tasks. The exercises of sophrology, which are easy, brief and quick to learn, are based on the studies that the neurosciences have made of the so-called levels and states of consciousness. 

     The first level is being awake, the second level is nocturnal physiological sleep and the third level that is between the two previous levels, which is the one in which the exercises are carried out, is the sofroliminal level. This last level is known as light sleep and it operates when the individual is neither asleep nor awake, but is extremely conscious, with the five senses alert, even with the sixth sense that is the intuition. The feeling of relaxation that is the loss of muscle tone gives the sensation of being asleep and awake.
     Sensation of lived reality

     What neuroscience has discovered in its studies of the levels of consciousness is that the brain or consciousness, which we have to understand as the same thing, has certain characteristics, such as the sensation of lived reality. As an example, we can cite the state that people experience after having nightmares or pleasant dreams. In the first case, surely the morning will be bad, while in the second case, you will enjoy feeling that you really did the things you dreamed of. This phenomenon occurs only in two instants, when one is dreaming physiologically, that is, asleep, or when one is on the edge of sleep. The latter is an instant before waking up and an instant before falling asleep.

     That moment of sleep is very short and under normal conditions doesn’t allow the person to perform any kind of relaxation or concentration exercise. One of the virtues of sophrology is that it has been able to program exercises that help prolong that edge of sleep for as long as it takes, five minutes or one hour, during which it would be possible to make visualizations to program the present and the future of the individual. Programming the future has to do, in terms of suffering, to create in the brain the feeling of a satisfactory experience with respect to those new situations which people have to face daily.

     It about visualize in a successful way the different situations that have to be faced and which represent a challenge for the individual. For example, if a person is scheduled to give a talk or expose a business idea, he or she performs a visualization exercise in which to project the activity successfully. He sits down and in a matter of five or ten minutes he sits on that edge of the dream and tries to see himself dictating the talk or presenting the project as if it were a movie. If that is done on the edge of sleep, the phenomenon of the sensation of lived reality occurs in the depth of your emotional brain. That is, the brain of that person will have the feeling that the dictation of the talk or present the idea of ​​business is something that has done before and has done well, so there is no reason not to remain that way. So, this is way that you can fight stress, insomnia, bad character by creating the feeling of good experience.




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