“Start with good people, lay out the rules, communicate with your employees, motivate them and reward them. If you do all those things effectively, you can’t miss.” – Lee Iacocca (automobile executive, former President and CEO of Chrysler)
Mary Kay Ash and Lee Iacocca are two very successful business people with a very important message about one of the secrets to their success. It is called positive reinforcement.
Employees are the backbone to any company. Payroll is usually a companies largest expense. Turnover in a company can be very costly. Having to train again a new employee. Losing an employee that has built up customer loyalty and trust can be very costly to a firm. Even when employees are paid well, I have found that many will leave because they do not feel right in the company. I hear all the time, upset employees saying that “it is about more than just money.”
So what are the keys to getting employees to be happy within your firm?
What would it take to get your employees motivated to excel at their jobs?
Positive reinforcement is the practice of rewarding desirable employee behavior in order to strengthen that behavior. For example, when you praise an employee for doing a good job, you increase the likelihood of him/her doing that job very well again.
Positive reinforcement both shapes behavior and enhances an employee’s self-image. Recognizing and rewarding desirable employee behavior is the essential key to motivating employees to work more productively.
Through skillful use of positive reinforcement, you will increase your employees’ self-esteem and call forth from them greater contributions and increased dedication to the job.
What types of positive reinforcement works for employees?
If your answer is that it’s more ay, bigger bonuses. If your answer is that money is king.
You would be wrong!
In his book “1001 Ways to Recognize Employees”, Bob Nelson demonstrates that the top two drivers of employee performance are: “I am able to make a difference at work” and “I have been recognized recently for what I do.” Money ranks a distant fifth place.
Steve jobs said that employees want to feel like their efforts make a difference. If you want your employees to be the best , you have to treat them that way.by Mauro Libi Crestani.
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