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Mauro Libi Crestani: Stress is one of the big causes of loss of productivity

By Mauro Libi Crestani.  For this article we will talk about one of the big causes of  loss of productivity…. Stress…..Stress can be defined as the brain's response to any demand. The body responds to each type of stress in similar ways. Different people may feel it in different ways. For example, some people experience mainly digestive symptoms, while others may have headaches, sleeplessness, depressed mood, anger and irritability. People under chronic stress are prone to more frequent and severe viral infections, such as the flu or common cold, and vaccines, such as the flu shot, are less effective for them.

Of all the types of stress, changes in health from routine stress may be hardest to notice at first. Because the source of stress tends to be more constant than in cases of acute or traumatic stress, the body gets no clear signal to return to normal functioning. Over time, continued strain on your body from routine stress may lead to serious health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, anxiety disorder, and other illnesses.

Having employees that either fell sick or are depressed will not give a company productive employees. In fact the mayo clinic said that if we were able to change an employees way of thinking to see things in a more positive light than they will have better coping skills during hardships and times of stress.

When I was in my graduate program, it was very competitive. One of the philosophies I found that worked was to never sweat the small things.  That did not mean that I ignored certain task. Quite the contrary. It just was not productive to worry and put time into small details that took too much time or derailed a project. In your company, it may be best to give some of those task to someone else or to decide that your company and you will not be involved in doing this particular task and will outsource it. It is like the College student taking the SAT exam. Should he spend a half an hour on one complex problem or should he just go on to the other problems and forget that one. Which way would be more productive? Which way would have given us better results.

A consultant once came into my business and greatly improved the way we do things. She had us be careful of the words we use. We used words that decreased our own stress and the stress levels of those around us.  These words created a more positive way of thinking .

 If you can teach employees to change such thinking as, “I have never done this before” to “It’s an opportunity to learn something new.”

 From the stressful attitude of “I am not going to get any better than this.” to the more relaxed “Let’s give it another try.”.

Change the company attitude from , “There is no way this will work.” to “let’s take a chance.”.

Words do matter and they do effect our stress levels and  that effect our productivity.

Words matter when you talk to your customers also. When you have spent weeks preparing for a presentation and the clients says that they hate it. You have the option of getting angry and stressed out. That will probably freeze up your clear thinking and lose you the client. In addition, when a customer has to tell you that they are not happy , their stress level increases. No one likes to be confrontational. That added stress level on both your parts make it hard to resolve their concern.  To bring a change in attitude you can say, “If I hear you correctly, you do not like such and such, is that correct?” The customer has to answer YES to that question. Once you have accomplished the customer saying YES , he made a positive statement . It make him feel that you are listening to him and  the stress and tension in the air may be gone. By Mauro Libi Crestani


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