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Mauro Libi Crestani: ¿ Positive depressión ?

By Mauro Libi Crestani- "I only know that summer sang in me a little while, that in me sings no more." That excerpt from one of her sonnets expresses how much poet Edna St. Vincent Millay  probably knew of depression.

Psychiatrist Kay Redfield Jamison, herself a person with bipolar disorder or manic depression, notes in her book ‘Touched with Fire’  that the majority of people suffering from mood disorder "do not possess extraordinary imagination, and most accomplished artists do not suffer from recurring mood swings."

She writes, "To assume, then, that such diseases usually promote artistic talent wrongly reinforces simplistic notions of the 'mad genius.' But, it seems that these diseases can sometimes enhance or otherwise contribute to creativity in some people. Biographical studies of earlier generations of artists and writers also show consistently high rates of suicide, depression and manic-depression."

In simple terms, there may be some poets, some writers and other great genius who are very depressed and can still be creative. President Abraham Lincoln was such a person. He had bouts of manic depression and he was very creative in his speeches, in his thinking. But the fact is that some people can still remain positive despite having depression. They are the exceptions. Abraham Lincoln was such an exception.  Besides, their quality of life very poor. Even the ones who are depressed that can still maintain creativity , they do not know how to enjoy life.

Being successful in your career is of no value if you can not enjoy life. But like I said, most people with depression lose their creativity. Marie osmond sumed it up best, "I'm collapsed in a pile of shoes on my closet floor. I have no memory of what it feels like to be happy. I sit with my knees pulled up to my chest. It's not that I want to be still. I am numb." This is what depression usually does. It takes away your ability to be of any value business wise, family wise and to have a personal life. Doctors think the combination of short-term treatment with medications plus the long-term use of positive thinking  might reduce depressive symptoms.  Mauro LibiCrestani.

“Brain scans have shown that positive thinking stimulates the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, which regulates the relationship between mood and thought.. A positive mental attitude may also influence the brain’s reward system, which involves the chemical dopamine, helping to restore a sense of pleasure that’s often lost with depression” ,Dr. Doraiswamy says.
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