How true that saying is. Now let's be practical, in life things happen. Sometimes those things that happen are good, and sometimes those things that happen can be very bad. When bad things happen to you or your business you have choices to make. You can see them as the end, the last nail in the coffin and just give up. Yes, that is a choice. You can also chose to learn from the incident and see it as an expensive lesson that can help you grow, help you be better than you were before.
A quote, “Attitude will make or break a company, a school or a home. The remarkable thing is that we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude that we will embrace for the day. We can not change our past…. We can not change the fact that people will act in a certain way….. we can not change the inevitable. The only thing that we can do is plan on the one thing that we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. A superior attitude will produce superior results.”
If you want your company to succeed you need to create an atmosphere of positive attitude in yourself, your workers and in your customers. Everyone of your employees have to see the company as a winning one, one with great potential. They have to see it as the place that they want to spend their working life in as there will be so much opportunity for them if they prove themselves worthy.
Employees that feel good about the company as a stable work environment, as a place where they can make a very good living, they will give the company their full efforts. It also pays for a company to invest in creating employees that have a positive attitude. A salesman that believes every time he sees a client that he will make the sale, probably will make the sale. A salesman that does not have much hope of being able to sell, probably will not be able to sell. Zig Ziglar, a famous business consultant once said, “You don’t build a business – you build people – and then people build the business.”.
Being a positive business person means that you look for opportunity even when things are going ‘alright’. A positive person never accepts alright. Alright just is not good enough. If you are selling an ‘alright’ product – how many will you sell. If you are having a medical surgery, do you want to go to an ‘alright’ surgeon. NO! You want to go to the best, someone that makes you feel like there is no better. Milton Berle, a comedian once said, “If opportunity does not knock, then build a door.” Every salesperson should be aware that people may hear your words but they feel your attitude. The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible. A positive thinker wants amazing, he wants to dazzle his customers with a superior product and a great service. A positive thinker will never accept the acceptable because that is too average and not acceptable. He wants the dream for himself and his company and because he knows in his heart that he can achieve it, nothing will stop him from achieving his goal. By Mauro Libi Crestani.
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