The organizations demand of their directives a series
of skills and knowledge to be able to be placed at the head of every area that
constitute the company or undertaking. This is very important, since directors
and managers have to be able to carry out leadership and coordination
activities that allow the correct operation of the processes. On the other
hand, it is said that the professionals of the moment, the new generation, is
the best prepared in history, but even that is not enough plus the knowledge needs
to be accompanied with skills that allow a correct action in organizations.
Among the
skills and aptitudes demanded by companies and from their managers, the most
outstanding are:
Leadership: Those who are
at the forefront of business departments should show a dynamic, proactive,
motivational style of leadership. Managers
have to know how to stimulate and motivate their staff, motivate their
enthusiasm and willingness to work as a team and actively participate in all
processes that depend on them. Leaders
have to be able to give everything that they demand from others.
Self-knowledge: Managers and directives
must and have to love and value themselves, know what they are able to do and
what not and exactly determine their strengths and weaknesses. If they don’t know themselves, they
will hardly be able to get to know the members of their work teams.
The skill to resolve conflicts: Managers have to make decisions all the time and they are required to
know how to handle the difficult situations that are daily inside
organizations. They have to be able
to handle conflicts in a properly way and, consequently, encourage their
resolution. Emotional control will be crucial in this.
Good management team: The
work teams are the key in the current organization of the companies. Those who
are in charge of the different managements have to be able to manage these
teams with efficiency and effectiveness.
It is essential to know how to guide the teams so that there is
collaboration among its members, so that they are willing to work side by side. Therefore, managers must learn to deal
with the different profiles of the professionals in charge, to know how to
delegate and establish roles.
Control emotional and social intelligence: Business leaders must have emotional intelligence,
which, as we have said several times, is the ability to identify and control
the feelings and emotions of the human being. At the same time, having social
intelligence are the skills that help you understand other people.
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