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Importance of a business plan (part II)

Por Mauro Libi.- In previous delivery, we made reference to the importance of the preparation of a business plan as a step prior to the constitution of any company or enterprise. We will continue to delve into the subject in this and subsequent publications, because we consider it to be a fundamental issue.
     The executive summary of the business plan is the first thing that any person interested in your approach will look at. When writing your business plan it is important that you take into account some aspects in order to achieve a good presentation:

1)      It is essential that it be short, concise and direct. We are warning you that your business plan shouldn’t comprise more than 15 or 20 pages, beyond that nobody will want to read it. Make an index containing the documents you consider most important.

2)      Be sure to keep the tone, style and voice of your business plan, especially if more than one person is involved in writing.

3)      Your business plan have to be adapted to the target audience, so according to the interests of those receivers. 

4)      You should analyze very carefully which design is best for you and which sections should be given priority.

5)      Your business plan should contain a cover letter, cover page, index or table of contents and an executive summary.

6)      The cover letter is intended for you to expose to your prospective investors, partners or collaborators. The purpose of your business, its importance, and the reasons why you believe they should join the project. 

7)      This cover letter should include the address of the recipient, the date, address, personalized greeting (it is essential to address it to every individual person).
8)      A few paragraphs which the idea of ​​your business is presented to your prospective partner or investor, a description of it written very clearly and in a sentence. It is important that this description be "stuck" and leads the reader to take an interest in the content of the following pages.

9)      Indicate that you are very interested in your opinion and expect your response. 

10)  Include the telephone number where you can be contacted, express your appreciation and firm.

11)  The cover of your business plan should be attractive and without exaggerations. The idea is to make a good impression, the first one, to be exact. The minimalist style will be the most appropriate.

12)  Remember that this cover contains your logo, the name of your company, could include the name of the founder of such company, the words "business plan" can’t be missing, may optionally include a product image, the date.

13)  The index or table of contents is a summary that have to be clear and precise, the content of your project. This should make it easier for the reader to navigate your pages. It is that some read chronologically, while others prefer to look for what is a priority for them. List the parts and indicate the page where to find each section.

14)  The executive summary is vital, as it is the cornerstone of the business plan, so it should be excellently drafted. Although it may be the last part you write, it will most likely be the first one the reader looks for. In this section, you will have to provide your prospective investors or partners with a high level overview explaining your business idea. It should stand out the most important aspects of the business, written so as to arouse interest in continuing to know about the idea. 

15)  It is a single page designed to catch the person who has it in their hands. Therefore, your wording should be careful and very well thought out.

16)  The executive summary should include the business concept, the goals and vision of the business, the product description and the keys that differentiate it from the rest that exists in the market.

17)  It should also indicate the target audience to which your business is targeted, the marketing plan, the current financial statement, the financial projection, the investment required and the equipment you require.




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