Despite all of his wonderful successes and his record breaking wins he
is just okey, good at best. he is not a great leader and he will not make a
great manager. A great manager is a person that not only has everything we
already spoke about but he teaches his coworkers and his employees how to fell
like winners also. A good leader has positive energy. A really great leader
knows how to transfer that energy to others.
Imagine a football coach that is truly great at what he does, but his
team does not believe that they can win. His team believes that couch really
knows his stuff but that they do not have the skills to turn couches advice
into a win. Now, instead imagine, a football couch that teaches his team the
skills they need to use his information. In addition to teaching those skills,
he makes them feel all winners. They have the skill and believe that they can
win every game.
What this couch did, the couch who is a great leader, was that he
transferred his knowledge and skill and his positive attitude to his entire
team. Now his players believe that their couch is a genius at game strategy and
he has the team to carry out those plays to success and wins.
By Mauro Libi
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