By Mauro Libi. The world is
in turmoil. The world is suffering through a very unstable global
economy. England is debating whether it is best to stay in the European market
or go at it on their own. Countries throughout Europe debate whether they
should keep the euro.
The Russian economy is in a downfall.
The U.S. economy has slightly recovered but average income is down and jobs are
being outsourced to other countries. The USA is now debating whether they would
be better off being more isolationist as that may protect them from the effects
of a weak global economy and poor trade agreements.
The list goes on and on there is hardly a country that is not showing signs of a depressed economy.
In each and every one country their solution
to the economy is that it is a bad thing and we must act to prevent it
from getting worse.
Maybe that is the wrong approach. This
article will not present any answers to the economy but will present a
different outlook that can in itself present answers.
There is an expression that says, "You cannot
stop the waves , but you can learn to surf". Instead of trying to solve an
economic situation that may be beyond our control , maybe we should see it as
not a bad thing. Maybe this poor economy presents opportunities. If we
open our eyes and see things in a positive light , we may have found a path out
of this bad economy.(Mauro Libi)

Our answer may lie in not fighting the ill
effects of the economy but look at it from a positive perspective. See
the economy as a friend telling us that we need to change. Maybe our answer
lies in increasing programs like the SEED program in our schools.
That is a science and technology program. It
teaches the students to advance the world and create positive change. Programs
like the SEED admit that we don't have to understand why the world is no longer
working, what worked last year or ten years ago no longer works now. It is
accepting that fact that change is needed. Real change. Fixing a broken economy
may not work , viewing the economy as a sick friend screaming out for some
modern medicine to cure him , can make both the patient and the economy better
and stronger than ever.
Our weak economy may be filled with
opportunity to grow and be stronger than anything we could have imagined. This
economic fix may require positive thought. We must not try to turn it around
but to change it. We need to stay focused and positive that the opportunities
are greater than ever if we just look with s positive outlook. We need to
see that now is the time for change through education and technology. By
investing in knowledge we may have the way into our future.
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