By Mauro Libi. "Whether you
think you can, or you think you can't--you're right. ". This is a quote by
Henry Ford. These inspirational words of pure positive thinking are what helped
to change a boy born to a farmer and with great effort he became one of the
wealthiest men in history.
A positive person should follow Henry Ford’s advice.
He had many failures before he made money. He tried several times to start up
his own company. He went from failure to going bankrupt. His attitude was that
failure is just an opportunity to learn a good lesson.
His life story is a true story in how s farm boy with
positive thinking could become one if the richest meet in history. His other
idea was very revolutionary for his era. No one believed that it could
work. But the positive mind and positive attitude made it to be the great
company and success story. Henry Ford had some a business initiative in
mind that many today would call a share value initiative. Actually several
share value initiatives in mind. Before Henry Ford started his company, only
the very rich could afford a car. Mr Ford wanted to make a car that
the middle class working man could afford. He introduced the Model T, the first
inexpensive car for the masses.(Mauro

In average years, Henry Ford gave away about a third
of his income, and he preferred to give money to individual people, face to
face and with a firm handshake. He did this because it made him feel good. Even
with giving away almost a third of his money he became one of the richest men
in history. His positive attitude made him successful in both his business and
in his personal life.(Mauro Libi)
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