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Mauro Libi Crestani: You have to test ideas before implementing them

By Mauro Libi Crestani. You probably have brainstormed ideas in your head, so that sometimes you have time to write them and put them into practice. The issue of testing ideas before executing them can become a profitable business plan and a road to becoming a great businessman and a successful person. An expert in these matters, M. Michalko recommends the use of concrete steps to keep all ideas organized and test them before you spend the time, energy and effort in implementation methods ideas.

Recommendations for organizing your ideas

One of the recommendations is to create and maintain the habit of keeping a written record of attempts at creativity in a notebook, USB drive, or on your computer. A record not only ensures that the last thoughts and ideas as they are committed to paper or computer files, but can also lead to other thoughts and ideas.

The simple act of recording your ideas is like having an active file. Leonardo da Vinci used to think of ideas, write them down and improve them over time by preparing a file. This organization of ideas allowed DaVinci to take simple and complex concepts and work on amazing inventions that were many years ahead of his time, such as the helicopter, bicycle, and the diving suit.

Guidelines to organize your ideas:

1. Collect all the interesting ideas that you find during brainstorming sessions, ideas that one has read or ideas that you believe you can accomplish.

2. Register thematically in a notebook, on your computer, or on note cards to present by topic in a box file (for example, improved organization, sales presentations, new markets, new product ideas, etc.) . In case you need more information about an idea, you must indicate the source where the idea is found. Some ideas can fit into several different categories.

3. Once you've developed an idea and have a wide base, several methods exist to collect the view of your collection. Whenever you experience a problem, you must recover the ideas in your file that you created and can apply to your need. Spread ideas before and after reviewing existing files and connect with people who can help.

Use the following suggestions to select the ideas more suited to your needs:

1.       Select the ideas that contain attributes closely related to the attributes of the subject.

2. Once you have selected several ideas from the larger group, prepare to apply the ideas to your current needs. You can tell if you can apply the whole idea or if only a single procedure or part of it applies. Similarly, ideas can be modified to apply to a given situation.

3. Combine and apply appropriate procedures or attributes from two or more ideas.

Find the need to be satisfied with that idea

The idea becomes a big deal is because it is able to meet any need. Keep in mind that there are many needs to be met. In some cases we are aware of them and not always. With a little research you can find plenty of needs to be met at any level of Maslow's pyramid, which states that there must be a need to meet to create a business that can take a hit in the market.

Once we know that the idea covers one or more unmet needs, it must be assessed to see whether there is sufficient market to bring the idea to reality. It's time to study the market to see if this idea only covers one of our needs or whether it covers a global need. It's time to study the potential of the idea in each market segment.

There are countless market segments and we must find the segment that would potentially be interested in turning our idea into a product or service. Here are some tips for market segmentation so you can assess what is the most ideal market segment for your idea.

Then try to make a plan detailing everything you believe is needed to successfully develop your idea materials, hours, staff, skills, work space, etc. It's time to think of and create a business plan.

Remember that lack of planning is one of the main reasons that businesses fail. Therefore, it is very important that you spend all the time in the world to plan your idea to turn it into a business. Thus you can evaluate the feasibility of your idea and ensure it won't fail.

The cost of the idea
It's time to calculate the cost of production and evaluate the profitability of the idea. Note that it is very important that you calculate all of the expenses and investments will need to put your idea to work. But it is also very important that you evaluate how long it'll take to recover those investments. Because, in the end, the most important thing is not what it cost you to implement it, but if it will be easy to retrieve what you have invested in it and whether it will bring you benefits. If you see that there is no possibility of recovering the capital then forget about it and be glad to have tried the idea before putting it into practice, saving yourself money and stress.

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